EtherDragons Arena is a turn-based blockchain fighting. Gamers raise and upskill their dragons, communicate and fight at battle arena together betting ETH on combat outcomes. The story Dragons are an essential part of the history of humanity. In many legends and fantasy worlds, Dragon is one of the most powerful and invulnerable creatures. It represents the unique combination of strength and wisdom. He’s a master of rare opportunities (special forces) and the desire to store up wealth. Every Dragon sets heart on fitting up his Lair and accumulates untold treasures. Protect the Treasury from encroachments of rivals and multiply his wealth by ruining the Vaults of the Enemies. Each Dragon follows this Goal through the centuries and the hundreds of battles. Player's Goal is to grow and perfect his Dragon, collect maximum wealth and become the Legend of the Dragons.
Balance: 0
Transactions (24h): 0
Daily Active Users: 0