The world's first token-free passive income system. Deposit. Earn dividends. Withdraw. Profit. 100% fresh code. Novel staking mechanism. Stable investments. Pure dividends. Issue: Pyramid schemes like PoWH operate using a token whose price varies with the contract balance. This leaves you vulnerable to the whims of the market, as a sudden crash could leave you empty-handed at any time. Solution: We remove tokens from the equation altogether, relieving investors of volatility. The outcome is a passive income system powered entirely by dividends. Here's how it works: You make a deposit, giving you a stake in the contract. A 33% entry tax is deducted and distributed to shareholders. You now earn a portion of all future taxes as dividends while you remain invested. These dividends can be claimed tax-free at any time. When you're ready to leave, you make a withdrawal. The requested amount is yours to keep after a 33% exit tax is deducted and distributed to shareholders. In short, once you're invested, your
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